Vanden Heuvel, J.P.,
Kreder, D., Belda, B., Hannon, D.B., Nugent, C.A.,
Burns, K.A. and Taylor, M.J. Comprehensive analysis of
gene expression in rat and human hepatoma cells exposed
to the peroxisome proliferators WY14,643. Toxicol. Appl.
Pharmacol. 188(3): 185 – 198, 2003
Sutter, T.R., He, X.R.,
Dimitrov, P., Xu, L., Narasimhan, G., George, E.O.,
Sutter, C.H., Grubbs, C., Savory, R., Stephan-Gueldner,
M., Kreder, D., Taylor, M.J., Lubet, R., Patterson, T.A.,
and Kensler, T.W. Multiple comparisons model-based
clustering and ternary pattern tree numerical display of
gene response to treatment: procedure and application to
the preclinical evaluation of chemopreventive agents.
Mol. Cancer Ther. Dec 1(14): 1283-1292, 2002.
Cain, G.R., Tsai, K.,
Pulley, L.T., and Taylor, M. Detrusor Myopathy in Young
Beagle Dogs. Toxicol. Path. 28(4): 565-567, 2000.
Bonhaus, D.W., Weinhardt,
K.K., Taylor, M.J., DeSouza, A., McNeeley, P.M.,
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Fontana, D.J., Flippin, L.A., and Eglen, R.M. RS-102221:
a novel high affinity and selective, 5-HT2C receptor
antagonist. Neuropharmacology 36: 621-629, 1997.
Bonhaus, D.W., Weinhardt,
K.K., Taylor, M.J., DeSouza, A., McNeeley, P.M.,
Szczepanski, K.,
Fontana, D.J., Trinh, J., Rocha, C.L., Dawson, M.W.,
Cao, Z., Wong, L. and Eglen, R.M. Biochemical and
behavioral pharmacology of RS-102221, a subtype
selective 5-HT2C receptor antagonist. CNS Drug Reviews
3: 278-293, 1997.
Day-Lollini, P.A.,
Stewart , G.R., Taylor, M. J., Johnson, R. M., and
Chellman, G. J. Hyperplastic changes within the
leptomeninges of the rat and monkey in response to
chronic intracerebroventricular infusion of nerve growth
factor. Exp. Neurol. 145, 24-37, 1997.
Clark, G.C. and Taylor,
M.J. Tumor necrosis factor Involvement in the toxicity
of TCDD: The role of endotoxin in the response. Exp.
Clin. Immunogen., 11, 136-141, 1994.
Taylor, M.J., Lucier, G.W.,
Mahler, J.L., Thompson, M., Lockhart, A.C., and Clark,
G.C. Inhibition of acute TCDD treatment with anti-tumor
necrosis factor antibody or dexamethasone. Tox. Appl.
Pharmacol., 117, 126-132, 1992.
Rosenthal, G.J., Craig,
W.A. Corsini, E., Taylor, M. J., and Luster, M.I.
Pentamidine blocks the pathophysiologic effects of
endotoxemia through inhibition of cytokine release. Tox.
Appl. Pharmacol., 112, 222-228, 1992.
Clark, G.C., Taylor, M.J.,
Lucier, G., and Luster, M.I. Tumor necrosis factor alpha
involvement in 2,3,7,8 tetrachlorodibenzo p dioxin
mediated endotoxin hypersensitivity in C57BL/6J mice
congenic at the Ah locus. Tox. Appl. Pharmacol., 111,
422-431, 1991.
Clark, G.C., Tritscher,
A.M., Lucier, G.W., and Taylor, M.J. Dose-dependent
increase in tumor necrosis factor alpha production in
2,3,7,8 tetrachlorodibenzo p dioxin exposed mice is Ah
receptor dependent. Chemoshere, 23(11-12), 1817-1823,
Taylor, M.J., Lafarge
Frayssinet, Luster, M.I., and Frayssinet, C. Increased
Endotoxin sensitivity following T-2 toxin treatment is
associated with increased absorption of endotoxin. Tox.
Appl. Pharmacol., 109, 51-59, 1991.
Taylor, M.J., Smart,
R.A., Sharma, R.P. Relationship of the hypothalamic
pituitary-adrenal axis with chemically induced
immunomodulation. I. Stress like response after exposure
to T 2 toxin. Toxicology, 56, 179 195, 1989.
Hughes, B.J., Taylor, M.J.,
Sharma, R.P. Effects of verrucarin A and roridin A,
macrocyclic trichothecene mycotoxins, on the murine
immune system. Immunopharmacology 16, 79 87, 1988.
Reddy, R.V., Taylor, M.J.,
and Sharma, R.P. Evaluation of citrinin toxicity on the
immune system in mice. J. Fd. Prot. 51 (1), 32 36, 1988.
Srisuchart, B., Taylor,
M.J., and Sharma, R.P. Alternation of humoral and
cellular immunity in manganese chloride treated mice. J.
Toxicol. Environ. Hlth. 22, 91 99, 1988.
Reddy, R.V., Taylor, M.J.,
and Sharma, R.P. Studies of immune function of CD 1 mice
exposed to Aflatoxin B1. Toxicology 43, 123 132, 1987.
Taylor, M.J., Hughes, B.J.,
and Sharma, R.P. Dose and time related effects of T 2
toxin on responses of murine splenic cell responses in
vitro. Int. J. Immunopharmacol. 9, 107 113, 1987.
Kangsadalampi, K.,
Sharma, R.P., Taylor, M.J., and Salunkhe, D.K. Effect of
protein deficiency and tween 60 on the pharmacokinetics
of butylated hydroxyanisole and metabolites in male
Sprague Dawley rats. Drug Nut. Inter. 4, 289 297, 1986.
Taylor, M.J., Reddy, R.V.,
Sharma, R.P. Immunotoxicity of repeated low level
exposure to T 2 toxin, a trichothecene mycotoxin. Myco.
Res. 1 (2), 57 64, 1985.
Willhite, C.C., Chow, F.I.,
Taylor, M.J., and Omay, S.T. Comparative
pharmacokinetics of vitamin A (retinol) in rats and
hamsters. Fd. Chem. Tox. 23 (1), 51 55, 1985.
Taylor, M.J., Bourcier,
D.R., and Sharma, R.P. Distribution and pharmacokinetics
of 3H butylated hydroxyanisole in female mice. Agents
Action 15 (3 4), 454 458,1984.
Taylor, M. J., Frakes,
R.A., Sharma, R.P., and Willhite, C.C. Pharmacokinetic
differences of trypan blue in female Sprague Dawley and
Long Evans rats. Fd. Chem. Tox. 22 (11), 875 878, 1984.
Bourcier, D.R., Sharma,
R.P., Bracken, W.M., and Taylor, M.J. Cadmium copper
interaction in intestinal mucosal cell cytosol of mice.
Biol. Trace. Ele. Res. 5, 195 204, 1983.
Reddy, R.V., Sharma, R.P.,
and Taylor, M.J. Dose and time related responses of
immunologic functions to aflatoxin B1 in mice. In:
Developments in the Science and Practice of Toxicology,
edited by A. W. Hayes, R. C. Schnell, and T. S. Miya,
Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., pp 431 434, 1983.
Sharma, R.P., Taylor, M.J.,
and Bourcier, D.R. Subcellular distribution of alpha
chaconine in mouse hepatocytes. Drug. Chem. Toxicol. 6
(2), 219 234, 1983.
Bourcier, D.R., Bracken,
W.M., Taylor, M.J., and Sharma, R.P. Cadmium copper
interaction: Effect of copper pretreatment and cadmium
copper chronic exposure on the distribution and
accumulation of cadmium, copper, zinc and iron in mice.
Trace Sub. Env. Health, 1982, vol XVI, edited by D. D.
Hemphil, Univ Missouri, Columbia, pp 273 279.
Book Chapters
Taylor, M.J., Sharma, R.P.,
and Luster, M.I. Selective Effects of T 2 Toxin and
Ochratoxin A on Immune Functions. In: Microbial Toxins
in Foods and Feeds, Cellular and Molecular Modes of
Action, edited by A. E. Poland, V. R. Dowell, Jr., and
J. L. Richard, Plenum Press, NY, pp. 489-495, 1990.
Taylor, M.J.
Immunotoxicology of Trichothecene Mycotoxins. In:
Biodeteriation Research vol. 3, edited by G.C. Llewellyn
and C.E. O’Rear, Plenum Press, NY, pp. 85-101, 1990.
Taylor, M.J., Pang, V.F.,
and Beasley, V.R. Immunotoxicology of Trichothecene
Mycotoxins. In: Trichothecene Mycotoxicosis:
Pathophysiologic Effects, vol. II, edited by V.R.
Beasley. CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, FL, pp. 1 37, 1989.
Sharma, R.P. and Taylor,
M.J. Animal Toxins. In: Handbook of Toxicology, edited
by J.J. Haley and W.O. Berndt. Hemisphere, Washington,
D. C., pp. 439 471, 1987.
Published Abstacts
Scicinski J, Oronsky B,
Fitch WL, Taylor M, Gang L, Musick T, Marini J, Schicker
M, Gohdes M, McKenzie D and Ridgewell R. Disposition of
14C-RRx-001 in rats after a singe intravenous
administration and in blood from rats, dogs, monkeys and
humans. Presented at the annual meeting of the
International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics,
Atlanta, GA, 2011.
Soloviev MV, Taylor MJ,
Edwards TR, Culwell J, Rampersand CR, Filice JA, Argonza
D, Calimlim M, Ordonio R, Afan R, Siacotos TJ, Schaefer
GJ. Use of naltrexone to prevent adverse effects of
sufentanil in beagle dogs. Toxicologist, 25, 473, 2005.
Soloviev MV, Taylor MJ,
Mertens JJWM, Schaefer GJ, Wilkinson GT, Edwards TR,
Chengelis CP. Continuous evaluation of subcutaneous
temperature in rats. 10th International Congress of
Toxicology, 2004.
Burns, K.A., Kreder, D., Belda, B., Nugent, C., Taylor,
M. and Vanden Heuvel, J. Comprehensive analysis of gene
expression in hepatoma cells exposed to the peroxisome
proliferators WY-14,643: Evidence of an autoregulatory
pathway. Toxicologist 22, 1251, 2002.
Stewart , G.R., Day-Lollini,
P.A., Taylor, M.J., Johnson, R.M., and Chellman, G.J.
Hyperplastic changes within the leptomeninges in
response to chronic ICV infusion of nerve growth factor.
Society for Neuroscience, 1995.
Stewart , G.R. and Taylor, M.J. Co-administration of
recombinant human ciliary neurotrophic factor and
vincristine sulfate to CD-1 mice. International Congress
of Toxicology, 1995.
Walligora, D.T., Loomis,
M.G., Murphy-Hackley, P., Day-Lollini, P.A., and Taylor,
A technical feasibility study for chronic
intracerebroventricular (ICV) drug delivery in the
cynomolgus monkey. 45th AALAS annual meeting, 1994.
Germolec, D.R.,
Rosenthal, G. J., Taylor, M.J., Corsini, E., Craig, W.A.
, and Luster, M.I.
A comparative assessment of metabolic enzyme levels in
immune tissues. Toxicologist 11, 52, 1991.
Clark, G.C., Lucier, G.W.,
Luster, M.I., Thompson, M., Mahler, J., and Taylor, M.J.
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) antibodies and dexamethasone
treatment reverse the acute toxicity of 2,3,7,8
tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Toxicologist 11, 53,
Taylor, M.J., Clark, G.C.,
Lucier, G., and Luster, M.I. 2,3,7,8 tetrachlorodibenzo
p dioxin increases the release of tumor necrosis factor
alpha (TNF a) and induces ethoxyresorufin o deethylase
activity in rat kupffer's cells (KCs). Toxicologist 10,
1101, 1990.
Taylor, M.J., and
Frayssinet, C. Alteration of endotoxin sensitivity by T
2 toxin. Toxicologist 9, 59, 1989.
Taylor, M.J., Jayasekara, S., and Sharma, R.P. T 2 toxin
immunomodulation is mediated by a stress like response.
Toxicologist 7, 34 1987.
Hughes, B.J., Taylor, M.J.,
and Sharma, R.P. Immunopotentiation by verrucarin A in
CD 1 mice. Toxicologist 6, 259, 1986.
Taylor, M.J., Srisuchart,
B., and Sharma, R.P. Immunological assessment of ethanol
treated mice. Toxicologist 6, 271, 1986.
Srisuchart, B., Taylor,
M.J., and Sharma, R.P Alteration of humoral and cellular
immunity in manganese chloride treated mice.
Toxicologist 6, 68, 1986.
Taylor M. J., Hughes, B.J.,
and Sharma, R.P. In vitro dose and time related effects
of T 2 toxin, a trichothecene mycotoxin, on murine
splenic and thymic cell responses. Toxicologist 5, 50,
Reddy, R. V., Taylor, M.J.,
and Sharma, R.P. Evaluation of citrinin toxicity on the
immune system of mice. Toxicologist 3, 86, 1984.
Taylor, M.J., Sharma, R.P.,
and Reddy, R.V. Effect of repeated low level T 2 toxin
exposure on the murine immune system. Toxicologist 4,
109, 1984.
Bourcier, D.R., Sharma,
R.P., Bracken, W.M., and Taylor, M.J. Cadmium copper
interaction in intestinal mucosal cell cytosol of mice.
Toxicologist 3, 41, 1983.
Reddy, R.V., Sharma, R.P.,
and Taylor, M.J. Dose and time related response of
immunologic functions to aflatoxin B1 in mice. Tox. Lett.
18, Suppl. 14, 1983.
Taylor, M.J., Reddy, R.V.,
and Sharma, R.P. Evaluation of repated low level T 2
toxin exposure on the murine immune system. NIH
Immunotoxicology Workshop, Research Triangle Park, NC,
Taylor, M.J., Reddy, R.V.,
and Sharma, R.P. Immunotoxicologic evaluation of
rubratoxin B in male CD 1 mice. Toxicologist 3, 86,
Taylor, M.J., Bourcier,
D.R., and Sharma, R. P. Tissue distribution of butylated
hydroxyanisole (BHA) in the mouse. Pharmacologist 24,
225, 1982.
Sharma, R.P., Taylor, M.J.,
and Bourcier, D.R. Binding of alpha chaconine with
subcellular organelles. Pharmacologist 23, 115, 1981.
Invited Speaker
The Nonclinical Safety
Assessment of Human Recombinant Ciliary Neurotrophic
Factor. Presented at Biotechnology-Derived Therapeutics:
Current Perspectives in Pharmacology and Toxicology.
Hosted by Mason Laboratories. 1995. South San Francisco,
Immunotoxicology of
Trichothecene Mycotoxins. Presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Foundation for Immunotoxicology. 1988.
Williamsburg, VA.
Selective Effects of T 2
Toxin and Ochratoxin A on Immune System Functions.
Presented at the Symposium on Microbial Toxins in Foods
and Feeds, Cellular and Molecular Modes of Action.
Hosted by the United States-Japan Cooperative Program on
the Development and Utilization of Natural Resources,
Joint Panels on Toxic Microorganisms. 1988. Chevy Chase,
Immunotoxicology of
Trichothecene Mycotoxins. Presented at the Third Meeting
of the American Biodeterioration Society. 1989.
Washington, D.C.
The Discovery,
Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Application of
Neurotrophic Factors in the Treatment of Human Disease.
Chairpersons: M. Taylor and W. Slikker, Jr. Meeting of
the Society of Toxicology, 1997. Cincinnati, OH.